Dandelion, Dandelion,
How helpful you are.
Both a food and a medicine:
A true springtime star!
How many plants can boast what the humble dandelion delivers?
1. It alerts us that Spring really has sprung at last.
2. Provides essential food for the waking bees.
3. Endless hours of play for kids as they pop off all those gorgeous blossom heads.
4. Wish granters! Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow till no
more seeds cling to the barren head of that once wistful puff ball.
5. Each part has an use! Root, leaves and blossom all are beneficial.
Not only is it whimsical but ounce for ounce it offers amazing nutritional benefits.
The mighty dandelion provides all this with only 25 calories, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 0 cholesterol and only 42 milligrams of sodium. Busy Lil' Powerhouse don't ya think?
Dandelion as medicine?
According to the University of Maryland the mighty dandelion has some interesting medicinal qualities too!
If Dandelion were a person he would wear many hats!
Can't you just imagine your yard full of dandelions? Each dressed as a different professional? A little fireman, hose, truck and all. A little policeman brandishing his badge as a dog enters the yard! Maybe then people would stop poisoning this gem of a plant and STOP calling it a weed!
But I digress!
Dandelion as a diuretic...
It amazes me how much the Lord looks after us in our natural treatments! One of the minerals we loose when we pee a lot is potassium and guess what Mr. Dandelion is chock full of? You guessed it: potassium!
Dandelion leaves works as a diuretic by increasing the urine output from the kidneys and helping the body get rid of extra salt that has built up in.
Just remember that dandelion works by causing you to go potty more so, unless you like being woke up at night, avoid taking this within 2 hours of going to sleep.
Dandelion leaves works as a diuretic by increasing the urine output from the kidneys and helping the body get rid of extra salt that has built up in.
Just remember that dandelion works by causing you to go potty more so, unless you like being woke up at night, avoid taking this within 2 hours of going to sleep.
How to use.... |
If making a tea use the leaves only. Steep 1 teaspoon in 8 ounces of, just below boiling, water for 5-10 minutes. Drink up to 4x's a day. If taking the capsule you can use either leaf only (preferably) or a combination of root and leaves. You can take 500mg 1-3 times day. |
Dandelion as a tonic...
Here the dandelion shines once again!
Take the liver: our own little waste purification station. This organ must break down and eliminate all sorts of stuff each and every day and boy-oh-boy do we put our liver through a lot!
Even those of us who choose to limit our exposure of chemicals in medications, pesticides and plastics are still inundated by pollutants. Our liver must break all this down and get rid of it via our blood stream. Plus it's the livers job to help with the digestion of fat and the elimination of cholesterol.
Dandelion may just help protect all those busy hepatic (liver) cells. It also is known to increase the flow of bile which in turn makes for a happier liver and a happier liver makes a healthier person!
An easy way to enjoy the cleansing tonic effects are to simply replace part of your spinach with dandelion in your daily green smoothie or salad.
Even those of us who choose to limit our exposure of chemicals in medications, pesticides and plastics are still inundated by pollutants. Our liver must break all this down and get rid of it via our blood stream. Plus it's the livers job to help with the digestion of fat and the elimination of cholesterol.
Dandelion may just help protect all those busy hepatic (liver) cells. It also is known to increase the flow of bile which in turn makes for a happier liver and a happier liver makes a healthier person!
An easy way to enjoy the cleansing tonic effects are to simply replace part of your spinach with dandelion in your daily green smoothie or salad.
Dandelion as an aprient...
Okay, okay this one is a smidge embarrassing to talk about but we all experience a bit of irregularity from time to time. So when you find it a little hard to go, make yourself a cup of dandelion tea and relax. While dandelion leaves will help you to go potty, it's the root that will help you, errrr ummmm, well, you know, get things movin' along!
How to use... |
The best way is a decoction. A decoction is just another herbal term for a tea made from harder herbs such as roots, dried berries, barks and seeds. Because these plant parts are tougher, they take a little more time and effort to extract their medicinal qualities. No worries, however, it's not hard at all.
-Put about 3 tablespoons of dandelion root (either fresh or roasted) in a small pan.
-Cover with water (preferably filtered) -Slowly heat to a simmer -Gently (very gently) simmer for around 30 minutes -Strain with a small sieve and put in a quart jar -Pour more hot water over the herbs to fill the jar |
Where to get your dandelion...
Go out in your yard* and dig up some dandelion root, clip off some leaves or pop off the pretty flowers. Remember all dandelion parts are useful! You can also purchase dandelion online or from a local heath food store.
*If you spray your yard there are two things you need to know, don't eat anything that grows in your yard and STOP IT!!!! Spraying pesticides isn't good for you, me or the world.
For those of you who choose to wildcraft (harvesting from yards, fields, meadows or woods) make sure and wash everything thoroughly and only pick from places that aren't sprayed or isn't close to a road that has a lot of chemicals used on it in the winter.
*If you spray your yard there are two things you need to know, don't eat anything that grows in your yard and STOP IT!!!! Spraying pesticides isn't good for you, me or the world.
For those of you who choose to wildcraft (harvesting from yards, fields, meadows or woods) make sure and wash everything thoroughly and only pick from places that aren't sprayed or isn't close to a road that has a lot of chemicals used on it in the winter.
The sweeter side of dandelion...
We pick dandelion blossoms by the basketfull each Spring to use in our dandelion jelly. We use only the yellow petals as the green base of the blossom is very bitter. Yes, it does take a long time to separate but we usually sit around the table talking and laughing about all sorts of things as we clean the blossoms. Oh, the sweet memories these times make.
Dandelion flowers are high in antioxidants and really do make a tasty jelly.
We are often asked what dandelion jelly tastes like and our simple answer is honey. The more accurate answer would be that it has a subtle honey flavor with floral undertones: balanced and unique. Wow, didn't I just go all laa-tee-daa food critic sounding? Seriously though, it is a tasty addition to your morning bread of choice.